Six prostate cancer centers in North Rhine-Westphalia have joined forces for the PRO-P study. The aim is to test a new form of care for prostate cancer patients after surgical prostate removal. Participating patients provide feedback on their physical and psychological well-being to the treating prostate cancer centers at regular intervals for one year after the operation by filling out questionnaires electronically. If abnormalities are found early, m.Doc GmbH | Ursulaplatz 1 | 50668 CologneT: +49 (0) 221 669 637 00Management: Admir KulinSparkasse Köln BonnF: +49 (0) 221 669 994 43Headquarters of the company: CologneIBAN: DE61 3705 0198 1933 3643 23 BIC: COLSDE33XXXM:
[email protected] court: Cologne HRB 88659Volksbank Köln Bonn eGW: www.mdoc.oneVAT ID: DE308861740IBAN: DE65 3806 0186 4904 4460 12 BIC: GENODED1BRS, those affected will be contacted and invited to a urological consultation.